Home Other Sports Windsurf



Windsurfing is a play-sports discipline in which you are moving on the water, thanks to the driving wind, floating on a board equipped with a mast with sail. Windsurfing is born in the United States in the late 60s of the twentieth century. Windsurfers are told windsurfer, windsurfer or sometimes even the surfer.

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The term windsurfing is not used only to refer to the discipline, but also to indicate all the equipment needed to practice this particular discipline. The table is, of course, one of the fundamental tools for the practice of windsurfing. Choosing the right equipment is vital, probably more for the beginner to the more experienced surfer, because an unsuitable choice may discourage those who look for the first time in this fascinating discipline.

How to choose a windsurfing board that best suits our needs?

On the market, there are models that are suitable for both beginners and those who practice windsurfing to more advanced levels. Among other things over the last few years, the prices of windsurfing boards also of good quality are significantly decreased, and the price is around a good table on the new $1,000. You can also find great products in used, which can save you a lot.

A good way to find a good windsurfing board used is to apply at the end of the season, the windsurfing schools. Regarding the size more than the length, we must pay attention to the volume that must be not less than 160 liters; facts for the stability of the windsurfing board are more important width and volume that the length.

With regard to the drift (Appendix protruding from the center of the bottom of some plates and serving to prevent lateral drift when the wind is not very strong) it must be said that many do not consider it essential. In the case from a few years ago, it was fixed, while in the modern hulls used in windsurfing schools is removable. The board should have a fin and straps (accessories quite expensive).

The fin is an appendix which is put under the stern of the table and has the function of the rudder fixed in the same table. The straps are straps that are screwed on deck at the stern of the windsurfing board, serve to control the board and direct it on the plane when you practice the so-called funboard (an ” extreme ” version of windsurfing).

The maneuvers of windsurfing.

There are many maneuvers in windsurfing are the main two: the tack and jibe; these two maneuvers allow you to change direction (or, in technical terms, to change the walls) through the passage of sailing on the stern or the bow of the table.

There are two ways to make a start in windsurfing: the first is to get on the board when we sail in the water recovered thanks to a special summit called recovery, the second way is to take advantage of the wind, the wind force on the sail ago bringing the windsurfer on the table, when you go to the beach talking about beachstart, but if you start talking about water waterstart.

Since the windsurfing is not equipped with the rudder driving of a table must be carried out by acting on the inclination of tree. When you have to luff (ie closer to the bow direction from which the wind blows) to set a pace that upwind and need to tilt the mast aft, moving the center of the sail in this direction. Contrary to luff and rest, resting you set a pace that moves away from the direction from which the wind is blowing.

Specialty windsurfing.

There are several specialties that are practiced with windsurfing, windsurfing itself is a discipline that has been inserted between the specialties Olympic sailing in 1984 (Los Angeles Olympics) for males and 1992 (Barcelona Olympics) for females. Windsurfing is a spectacular version of the so-called freestyle, freestyle complex evolutions are performed with a high showmanship.

The wave is a mixture between windsurfing and surfing, is considered by many to be the specialty of the most spectacular windsurfing in absolute wave are made in great leaps, and developments are shut out of the water. The formula is a type of windsurfing boards whose practice requires precise with constraints and a race course that reminds one that is adopted by the traditional sailing boats in which they are proposed and almost all types of gait.

The slalom is a type of windsurfing in which there is a competition characterized by a path between two buoys, which usually has a shape of ” 8 “. The supercross is a competition in which between one, and the other turning point has to be made of the evolution freesthyle.

How to train for windsurfing.

Windsurfing is a sport that requires a lot of skill, but also a good physical preparation if you want to maintain it at its best. In addition to training ” in the field ” (ie, in water), you can also give some indication that the preparation can be made ” on the ground “, the preparation to be carried out in the gym is very important because it allows you to properly prepare thus decreasing the risk of unpleasant injuries.

Windsurfing is a discipline that involves the shoulders, arms, back and even legs and abdomen. Although, as we saw in the previous section, the types of windsurfing are different from each other, with regard to workout at the gym can provide indications.

  • In the first three or four weeks, you can program three training sessions a week in which will train all the muscles in the circuit (ab exercises, horizontal bench, pulldowns behind, lateral raises, leg extensions, machine for hamstrings).
  • After this period, you can move on to more specific exercises to strengthen your core muscles.
  • The priority is to deadlifts and squats.
  • The preparation athletics to windsurfing needs some attention to the muscles of the back, shoulders and biceps.
  • You will be expected to perform exercises, specifically for these muscles.
  • The abdominal muscles should be trained at least twice per week, while triceps and pectorals can do with a single weekly workout.
  • You can also insert some exercises for proprioception.

Fundamental also are aerobic exercises that serve to stimulate and keep coached the cardiovascular system. To do this you can use the bicycle racing and mountain biking, as well as two disciplines that allow you to train the aerobic mechanism adequately to strengthen back muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves and buttocks.