Home Weight training The workout for your Calves

The workout for your Calves

Workout for Calves

The calf is made up of three muscles: the two twins (twin medial and lateral gastrocnemius, which together form) and the soleus that slides under the twins and comes out only in the lower part of the leg. The trio of muscles is the triceps which is commonly referred to as just the calf. All three muscles are placed on the Achilles tendon.

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Different types of muscles.

The functionality of the calves is quite complex. The soleus muscle is a monoarticular or acts on only one joint, the ankle, and helps to flex the foot. The gastrocnemius instead is a bi-articular muscle as it originates from the two ends of the femur and is responsible, as well as the decline of the foot, including the extension of the knee.

Both then are placed on the calcaneal tuberosity to the middle of the Achilles tendon. The gastrocnemius develops a much greater strength of the soleus and is fundamental, as well as in the race, in other sports such as, for example, the jumps.

From the physiological point of view, the gastrocnemius and soleus are very different: being a postural muscle, the soleus is composed almost exclusively of red fiber (slow twitch), and the gastrocnemius also has a good percentage of white fiber.

This distinction is very important as regards the contractures of the muscles from fatigue: for the soleus, contracture is triggered by work speed or by leaps while for the gastrocnemius is more likely that the injury occurs in conjunction with a heavy work resistance. Beyond the ability to develop low-power (fast or strong), the triceps can be penalized by a low mobility of the ankle joint and the insufficient flexibility.

The optimal training.

The physiological difference for the type of fibers of the calf muscles means that you cannot train your calves in a harmonious and complete with only one type of training. This is true for both the runner and for those who want to upgrade to the gym. In the first case, you must toggle repeated sessions of speed endurance training (bottom middle or bottom of slowly).

In the second case, you must do exercises with two different types of load: loads and few repetitions for the gastrocnemius, low loads and a high number of repetitions for the soleus. Indeed, as explained in the corresponding article, the muscle fibers are trained in a different way by varying the number of repetitions and sets. A lack of one of the two training stimulations may give rise to an imbalance in the development of the two muscles of the calf and consequently, expose even serious injuries.

The workouts are ideal for the triceps in the gym at the calf machine (calf is an English term meaning calf), or to the press with free weights. In the latter case, there arises standing on a step relying only on the tips holding the dumbbells with weights or holding the barbell behind your back. It then descends below the level of the step, slowly, and you will return to the starting position.

The exercise can be simplified by running a free body, so that the weight of the calves that are counter to the ascending phase is only your own body weight.