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The choice of clothing ski must be done with a certain criterion since skiing is a sport which is practiced under atmospheric conditions are not always optimal and also in the case of clear days and sunny, since skiing is an activity that is practiced in the high mountains, the cold is always lurking.

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A correctly chosen clothing can severely limit any inconvenience that may result from adverse weather conditions. Generally, the main problem for skiers is the cold, do not tolerate it all the same way so it is definitely important to choose a dress that suits your features.

There is another parameter that should be considered in addition to that of their tolerance to cold: the way in which it deals with the day’s skiing, skiing is a demanding sport and during active periods, especially if the skiing is quite intense, the body warms up, and you do not usually have problems with cold things change, and not a little, in the moments when you take breaks, or if you wake in a rather relaxed.

So, if you are accustomed skiers to ski hard without taking too many breaks do not need to cover that much, on the contrary, if we are used to pause long enough or whether our way of skiing is pretty laid back should cover most heavily.

The goals of clothing slopes are basically three :

  • Maintenance of body temperature.
  • Reduction of perspiration thanks to a proper transpiration.
  • Protection from the wind.

Cover too much can make you reach the first goal, but the second surely will fail because when the clothing is excessively heavy sweating is excessive. It is necessary to take into account that, in the vast majority of cases. The discomfort from temperature are due to the cold extremities, so if we can eliminate this problem, there will be no need to cover over the rest of the body that can be effectively protected with leaders do not particularly heavy. The standard provides an intimate ski clothing, a second layer and a windproof.

Underwear for skiing.

Underwear for skiing should be chosen with great care. A good underwear has to fulfill two functions: maintain the body temperature and dry as soon as possible, definitely not recommended for cotton underwear because it has relatively long been drying times and currently are commercially appropriate leaders in synthetic fabrics and he who does not love these types of tissues can orient themselves to the limit of Heads of natural fibers such as silk, pure new wool or cashmere fine.

The quality of underwear does not have the characteristic of economy (a simple T-shirt can cost from $35 to $85); may also be used to practice other sports such as cycling, running, or in activities such as trekking or mountaineering. Our wardrobe should include at least two pieces of underwear from skiing, one lighter, if the outside temperature is above 0 ° C, and a heavier one in the neck in the case of high temperatures decidedly chilly.

The Second Layer.

The second layer consists of a plush fabric, there are various types, are garments that combine the lightness effectiveness in keeping warm. It must fulfill two basic functions: to insulate and allow moisture transfer. Particularly, those who suffer from the cold (or find themselves in places where the temperature is extremely rigid) can orient themselves on so-called bear sweatshirts, hoodies it is heavier than that of the inserts in the hair.

The Jacket for Skiing.

Some time ago, anoraks were characterized by extremely heavy and bulky padding, kept warm, but they created some discomfort in movement without counting their poor aerodynamics. The wind jackets available on the market today are much thinner, more comfortable and far more efficient. All anoraks well protect from the wind, but not all are equally effective in case of rain. Ski jackets that serve this dual function are significantly more expensive than the others. Generally, there are four types of jackets.

  • Jackets and pants.
  • Padded jackets.
  • Wind-country skiing or ski mountaineering.
  • Windproof.

The jackets and pants have a full head with medium padding and usually quite read. It is generally worn with an intimate and with a second layer of greater or lesser weight depending on the weather conditions outside. The prices are extremely variable (ranging from $300 to $1,000).

The padded jackets provide excellent thermal resistance and particularly those who do not suffer from the cold or wake in a rather intense may waive the second layer and wear them with only underwear. Do not shine for aerodynamics and provide excellent freedom of movement. Some models are equipped with removable padding. Prices range from $180 to $450.

The wind for cross-country skiing or ski mountaineering jackets are so tight and elastic, light and very efficient. Their basic purpose is the protection from the wind. They cost from $100 to $200. The jacket’s windproof garments are not padded with technical headcover that protect from the wind and rain, but they are elastic and less efficient. Their cost ranges from $100 to $300.

Pants and Jacket or Ski Suits complete?

How to navigate? It depends on personal taste and style of skiing. Generally, the full head is not particularly versatile and is usually cumbersome and poorly average aerodynamic temperature is significantly, and this can be problematic if the outside temperature is warm enough because sweating can definitely increase.

The ski pants exist in different versions, there are stretch pants or not. The choice depends on personal taste, who loves to feel her legs nicely wrapped by elasticated trousers will be oriented models otherwise choose another type. The stretch ski pants are on average more aerodynamic. It is not necessary that ski pants are very heavy (the cold leg is quite rare an occurrence during skiing).

The Gloves and Ski Socks.

As we noted in the opening paragraph, in most cases, the temperature is usually caused by discomfort from cold extremities. It is for this reason that you should choose gloves and socks that limit the maximum that problem. Are commercially available technical ski socks that provide excellent heat retention? Who is particularly sensitive to cold can buy the heated insoles that last all day skiing? To combat the cold hands, decidedly disadvantageous, you can choose knobs or padded gloves. For the cold there in the warmer trade that last for many hours.

The Ski Cap and Scarf.

Who wears the ski helmet generally has no need to bring your ski cap, ski helmet is more than enough to ensure the proper temperature to the head. Who is particularly sensitive to cold can buy a balaclava that ultimately is not that wearing a balaclava under the helmet slopes. The head scarf is an increasingly used by skiers, and it is very rare to see any of them wearing it.