Home Gym and Indoors Running or Body Building?

Running or Body Building?


This website (which does not hide his passion for running) has never been tender with an overly optimistic view of body building, so we have created a new definition to save the best part of body building. Our attitude has cost us tens of letters of criticism (in some cases even insults) by body builder. Who did not accept the scientific truths that we proposed?

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Halfway there are those athletes who would like to practice or aspiring to be running is the activity with weights. Nothing wrong with that so much so that might fall within the ranks of those who practice with pleasure the gym training. The vast majority of these athletes mixed (weight + stroke) has the dream to have a physique like that of the image that we propose.

In other words, the race serves to health, the weights for the aesthetics of the muscles. The right way – If a triathlete ago 3 workouts per week (one swim, one bike and one run) can only pretend to be. It’s just an aspiring sport who hurt three things. Similarly, those who want to combine weights and running it should.

  • Train at least 6 times per week, at least 3 with weights and at least 3 with the race. This is because 1 or 2 weekly workouts for any sport not train anything (see low-intensity training). For example, who runs a couple of times a week (say, over 20 km in total) have modest cardiovascular benefits as demonstrated by blood tests, virtually indistinguishable from those of a sedentary, with other conditions being equal. The mixed training (weights and running in the same session) can count as a double seat only if you realistically devote at least 45 to the weights and the same number in the race (time of actual operation), while meetings of the type 20 of weights and 20 race does not need much.
  • Have good performance with weights, that is to have a sculpted physique, lean and muscular.
  • Have good performance in the race, see the article physical age to have a benchmark for their age. So a 30-year-old man should run 10 km less than 42 and a woman of the same age in less than 48.

My experience tells me that less than 10% of those who train weights and running to get to meet the three objectives mentioned above, this percentage from a 15-20% for subjects between 20 and 30 years (the young age helps a lot giving a freshness masking gap in training) to practically zero for those over 50.

The wrong way – Unfortunately, what happens? That not having read the item carefully muscles without fat, after attending the gym for months (indeed with workout’s octogenarians, type 3-hour sessions a week, maybe 30 with weights and 30 race strictly slow ) begin to put on weight, mostly fat, love handles to appear and so on. At this point, they think the culprit is the ride! Some even ask me if it is possible to replace the race with the fast walking, people who have less than 30 years and is already thinking like a zombie.

As a second consideration, if it was that the race cannibalizes your muscles, certainly cannot be responsible for the fat, as no runner at decent levels has an ounce of fat!

The Bitter Truth.

No getting around it. The physical picture is the result only of a lucky genetic predisposition (and hard workout). Note the difference between two common situations. If a boy of 25 years shows the timing of a marathon runner at the national level (say 2:15 a.m.) to an athletic trainer saying, ” I’m worth more than 3 hours, I want to get to 2:15 a.m., ” the coach responds with a smile and explains to the boys that not all champions are born. The boy will understand. Instead, all they see a picture of a physical, sculptural and pretend to get there, of course without any help chemical and going to the gym 3-4 hours a week maximum.

Muscles and Women.

In general, there are two main reasons that drive men to grow their muscles: the admiration for physical strength and women. In the first case, it is often violent individuals who delude themselves to solve everything by force, or, conversely, of weak who have suffered and for once they want to catch up the others ( ” if you are strong, so strong in life, I will be equally strong to face all the problems ” ).

The first is a commonplace to say that there is no need to grueling workouts at the gym, just a 44 Magnum (after all we are talking about a violent!), Not surprisingly the most vicious criminals hand dirty if not ever. Seconds just to point out, removing all their illusion, in which the force of life’s challenges just does not need because I doubt that will ensure a happy family, a good job and so on. It becomes just a cover for their real weakness of their fragility towards the world.

The second point, the women, is what drives millions of kids to ” try to build muscle. ” I must say that since I understood women, I realized the complete futility of a physical sculpture, convincing myself that many men seek him as their only weapon is that: are not brilliant, they have a good-looking face, are not economically well placed, etc. are not affectionate.

They often have little luck with the fairer sex and then delude themselves that geeks all women fall at their feet. The reality is full of examples of beautiful women who are not with geeks, finding in their many other qualities. So I always thought that the man who seeks a physical sculpture at all costs (of course that is if he has a plus) show its smallness in other fields, because, as we have seen, it is not easy.