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Learn to Ski


It’s easy to learn how to ski? Relatively. Skiing is, in effect, a discipline of some complexity, to make a descent on a normal slope may be a sufficient number of hours spent practicing, but before you can say that I have really learned to ski you have to overcome many rocks, especially technicians. Many skiers, probably the vast majority, take a few lessons with a ski instructor, learn how to go down on each slope and do not deal more than their culture resort.

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The mastery of skis can be acquired with relative ease, but the technique of skiing requires a commitment to a constancy not common, so it is advisable to be followed by those who can avoid certain mistakes and ” vices ” very difficult to remove once acquired and consolidated. You should always keep in mind that first applied consistently, although more laborious, will prove to be extremely rewarding afterwards because we know better skiing, and more we’ll have fun on the slopes.

Skiing: Skill levels.

The AMSI (Italian Ski Instructors Association) classifies the ability of a single skier using three levels :

  • Bronze Level
  • Silver level
  • Gold level

Each level has two sublevels: basic and advanced; analyze them briefly.

Bronze Level – Runs on blue slopes (those with mild slope, well-groomed and uniforms). Sublayer to learn the basic sequence of snowplough turns (one learns to remain in balance, to control the speed and change direction) while you learn advanced sublayer in the sequence of turns (rapprochement and parallelism of slopes and angles).

Silver Level – Runs on blue slopes and red. At the base sublevel, you learn the sequence of cristiania base (support of the stick, management of the edge, driving action of the ski, the management of the bending-extension). At the sublayer you learn advanced sequence cristiania (translation, addressing, and driving of the skis, adaptation to different segments of the curve).

Gold Level – At this level you can tackle the slopes. At the base sublevel, you learn the sequence of curves conducted (maintenance of centrality, increased coordination and adaptation to different segments of the curve). The sublayer advanced you will learn the sequence of curves competitive basic (improvement of motor gesture, management of the central velocity and adaptation to different segments of the curve). A skier in gold advanced level is able to tackle any slope. It can easily overcome bumps, and slopes not attend jokes.

Beyond these levels, the next stage was the technique of race, or the skiing between poles.

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