Home Cycling Improve endurance cycling

Improve endurance cycling

endurance cycling

This guide will explain how to improve your fitness level and endurance cycling. Spacing long walks with a constant pace to some short strokes and fast, able to greatly increase your physical prowess, improving considerably the level of resistance. It’s important to note that you should always consider your limits, not exaggerating with the physical stress abruptly.

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Also make sure you stay properly hydrated, as dehydration can lead to muscle cramps and fatigue.

  • To start improving your physical endurance bike, you must first attend a weekly course of spinning in the gym. During the lessons, you will practice with stationary bicycles, definitely getting the results even more optimal as these courses, although short, are still intense and greatly facilitate the improvement of your endurance. Alternating uphill sprint intervals and at the moderate speeds, able to gradually accustom your body to react positively to physical stress. The spinning classes are run by certified instructors and competent that will keep your motivation high, shouting instructions in order to simulate a real bike tour on the road or in the hills.
  • At least once a week, accompanied your spinning classes with real bike rides in the hills: this will help to strengthen your muscles and make sure your heart much stronger, thanks to the pure air that you breathe. If there are no hills in your area, you can also ride a bicycle proceeding upwind: although this technique is not comparable to that of the face of the ups and downs in any way be able to test your endurance.
  • Finally, it is important to also achieve an Interval Training, that follow the sessions, at least one or two times per week, which consist of short bursts of speed followed by a recovery period longer. A good technique consists in run 1-2 Series 2 to 4 intervals: must shoot for 20-30 seconds to the maximum of its speed and then recover for 1-2 minutes at each interval. This procedure should be followed for 4-5 times. If you perceive that your resistance is increased, you can even increase the duration of each interval or increase the number of intervals to perform.