Home Cycling How to start training bike

How to start training bike

road bike

If you’ve discovered a love for cycling, and you are tempted to saddle up and start running, brakes! Before starting any sport you need to be fit and in good physical shape not to run into cramps and muscle tears.

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The important thing is to understand that you can get to practice a sport so demanding, just prepare properly.

  • Cycling is a sport intense in terms of physical and cardiovascular. To better address the long distances is necessary to train the muscles very well, particularly those of the legs and back. In the gym run series of exercises to strengthen the leg press legs and works, mainly on the quadriceps. While spinning is a valuable exercise because it allows you to work all those muscles that are placed under pressure during the race. And really that stretching before getting on the bike for an exit.
  • Well lengthen muscles and tendons help to stay in the saddle for long stretches without incurring the hated cramps. When you start with the first releases choose paths dishes and varies the ride instead of keeping pace for hours and constant light. Varying, muscles benefit most and are less affected by fatigue. Parts upwind so be benefited in return when you’re more tired. An hour before leaving you taking a snack of carbohydrates, to have a source of energy that your body will be able to see when it will begin to feel tired. Gradually increase the distances taking account of your physical condition.
  • The winter months are the most difficult for those who practice cycling. The time of day and weather conditions, make it difficult to get out on the bike. During these months, so you need not miss the training acquired and keep fit going maybe, in the gym. For a good workout, you do a warming of at least 15-20 minutes using the exercise bike and run race. Then goes on to strengthening exercises of the back and legs. For the most suitable exercise’s facts advise the instructor. Pay attention to recover for a minute between sets of exercises and the other for three minutes between one year and another. This will allow you to gain strength and a great workout. The beginning and end of each training session not underestimate the importance of stretching. If you bring back your workout consistently, you’ll soon be in shape to mount a bike and run enjoying the benefits that this sport offers.

Requirement : Road Bike, Shoes, Gloves and Helmet.

Never forget : Remember not to neglect the clothing. Wearing shorts with padded crotch on which it is good to sprinkle a good amount of cream Vaseline. Do not underestimate the shoes, gloves, always wears a helmet and bring with you some energy bars and water.