Home Gym and Indoors How to plan workouts of winter cycling

How to plan workouts of winter cycling

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With the end of the beautiful days, you often run the risk of setting aside the workouts, but an athlete knows that winter is essential for athletic training of the rider. This guide will explain how to schedule workouts of winter cycling.

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1.) During the ride, the rider engages in an intensive way the muscles of the lower limbs, for about 80/90 pedal revolutions per minute for the duration of the output in a very short bike and urging the upper torso, in winter the most important exercise to play is cardiovascular conditioning.

2.) We recommend that you do a workout for the cardiovascular area, through sessions of varying lengths of 30 or 40 minutes with exercise bike, treadmill, stepper or rowing machine. Strength of the legs: it is recommended that a training overload to the muscle strengthening, in this regard would be better to use a targeted program of exercises in a gym during the winter in order to balance the weights and efforts according to your body size and with the help a card, which is essential for any cyclist wants to get the most out of your body during the cold months.

3.) You cannot completely neglect the expansion of the upper part of the body: his athleticism is essential to maintain position and balance on the bike, especially for those who practice mountain biking on dirt, since these paths give many setbacks that are absorbed also with the help of the arms. Those who practice on beaten paths and trail in the mountains, have to do a specific job that your personal trainer at the gym you Autera programming with a special card ..

4.) Exercise Bike: allows you to recreate at home or in the gym, the type of workouts that usually do outdoors, simply setting on the exercise bike or the spinbike training courses with climbs and a pleasure to use high or low resistance.

5. ) A good winter training will ensure the rider to resume outdoor activity with a physical condition better or equal to that of the year before, to achieve lasting results, remember: you absolutely must not neglect training during the cold months, working in a specific way to achieve the result.