Home Cycling How to dress for winter cycling

How to dress for winter cycling


Cycling is a sport that almost everyone can practice. It only takes a bike and good legs to be pedal. The summer season poses no special problems with regard to clothing to use. The detail to which more attention is the choice of materials to wear, which should allow a perfect transpiration of the skin, not only to prevent excessive sweating, but above all to prevent any allergic phenomena contact.

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In winter, you must dress appropriately because the clothing, as well as being breathable, must above all protect from the cold allowing, at the same time, freedom of movement.

  • A suggestion that perhaps may seem trivial, but it is to keep in mind always, in any winter sport, is to dress in layers or ” onion “. But from what is made winter clothing for a cyclist? First, you must keep in mind the temperature and atmospheric conditions in which it is practiced the sport. If your walks are held in locations snowy, cold weather, you must acquire a full clothing, starting from within: pants or shorts, thermal shirt with long sleeves, long tights (with or without pad) with or without a brace, body whole winter, socks or stocking’s themes there.
  • Moving on to the upper torso is necessary to wear thermal and breathable mesh that allows for the materials used, the protection from moisture. The ultimate protection must be represented by jackets or vests sleeveless thermal whose materials allow adequate protection from the wind and rain. Even the shoes are important, even if increased security that may come in handy, if the temperatures are particularly low, are the neoprene shoe covers.
  • Last, but not least in importance in clothing winter, are the accessories: gloves preferable for the winter season are closed ones, preferably in warm materials and impermeable to rain. For the protection of the head and ears is essential to wear a fleece hat or balaclava (particularly comfortable are those without seams), a band or a fleece under a helmet. Similarly, given that the meshes are round neck, it is essential to protect yourself with a neck warmer fleece. The feeling of freedom and well-being that gives us a nice bike ride is priceless, but in order to better address this sport requires good physical preparation, attention to diet and the intake of good food supplements also during the race.
  • And crucial, always maintain the proper hydration and the right amount of vitamins and minerals. In the market, there are many types and for all needs. Go to the pharmacy or in specialty stores and ask them to recommend a good supplement to take with you into the water bottle during your excursions into nature, and perhaps of energy bars not to remain in ” reserve ” of energy and … good ride!
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