Home Cycling How to choose the bike

How to choose the bike


The passion for cycling, you know, there’s not all have it, but the idea of the nature walk, teases the most. Before tackling this expenditure, it is necessary to ask what purpose we want to buy it !? We want to go around peacefully or unchain us as intrepid bikers, who climb mountains with their loyal middle?

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  • The choice bike to buy, comes from our real needs. If we love to move quietly through the streets of the country or of our country, we will opt for a classic bike (city bike). If on the contrary, we love extreme sports or simply climb a mountain, then the mountain bike will do the job.
  • First, choose the most suitable among us, on the basis of physical characteristics. If we do not overcome the meter and sixty, we will opt for a bike with 26″ wheels. If on the contrary, our stature is greater than the above-mentioned, then we can easily point to a 28″. It very important in the choice of a bike, the consistency of the chassis and the wheels. The issue will be less for those pointing to a city bike, oblivious of the technical aspects, on the contrary, cannot be overlooked by those who need a professional or semi-professional. In that case, it will be the crucial encounter in the bike choice, all the features most appropriate. The importance of the wheels is given by the composition of the rubber. In addition to worry about having a bike and light resistant, the composition of the wheel, plays a decisive role, for the impact it will have on the ground the latter, and that will result in terms of performance, more or less good.

There is a very wide range of tires, but in principle, the tread of the same, must be composed of:

  • Two lateral sections, which form the outer tessellation. This section has the task of clawing the ground during the crease (bike cornering) and against slopes. And optimized to provide excellent grip cross.
  • A central strip which constitutes the tessellation of the way. This section is useful in traction phase (pedaling) and in the braking phase. And optimized to provide a good grip along the longitudinal axis.

The price, finally, is another aspect to be reckoned for the purpose of a good choice. Certainly if your goal is to ride in your spare time, face a charge extremely greedy, is not useful for your economies. Opt for half too cheap, it is a hypothesis to be discarded too, to avoid problems in terms of quality and performance.

Never forget : Bought a bike depending on what you need to make and choose one from the average price.