Home Cycling How to choose a helmet for cycling

How to choose a helmet for cycling

helmet cycling

Are you a cyclist Sunday or use the bike every day?

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In both cases, and in others, you must not forget an essential element for your safety and your driving comfort: a comfortable and safe helmet!

  • First, remember that you can choose your helmet according to different characteristics: you can choose according to type, and the level of security that you want, by color or by quality. According to common sense is also preferable to spend a little more and choose a helmet that can be safe in all driving conditions. As for the type, there are essentially two types of helmets: a bowl or bands. The helmet bowl is the most widespread, consists of a single body and may be elongated or rounded. The helmet band is made with more bands that rotate the head and join the front and the back. In terms of safety, helmet’s band are the most traditional and, nowadays, they are coming to be supplanted by helmets to bowl, because they are less effective in protecting the skull in a fall; the fact remains that for sporadic use of the bikes are more than excellent and can often blunt good prices.
  • The inner shell is very important, both for comfort and for safety, and it is preferable to choose a model that has a good shell, at the same time resistant expanded polystyrene, but also lightweight and comfortable. Helmets cheaper may be lacking and be ineffective. In choosing you must pay attention to the extent of the skull that needs to be taken accurately and be related to that of the inner shell. The best step is to try the helmet and check the tightness testa.Non ultimate importance, the locking hook. The strap, preferably adjustable, must be able to close by binding to the face in a firm but not excessively, so as to ensure the right comfort and the right seal for safety. Are preferable models with quick-release mechanism.
  • Once chosen measures, we must pay great attention to the approval of the helmet. Currently, laws of the European Union, the EN1078, which provides a set of rules which the helmets must comply, in the field of design, visual space free for the user, which of strength of materials, the presence of a release mechanism Quick Strap, duration and even colors. The helmet must then be approved EN1078.
  • Finally for actual importance, not for the most creative, the choice of color and design: there are nowadays helmets of all types, airbrushed, with stickers, with bright colors and even covered in fabric. The important thing is to choose a color and a pleasant design and maybe that is respectful of the security, with reflectors.