Home Gym and Indoors How to attend the Gym

How to attend the Gym

Attend the Gym

The gym is one of the typical places for sports activities. Often those who are training at the gym with weights and other activities that involve force says generically that ” does body building. ” In reality, the world of bodybuilding (and the gym) is very articulated and rightly divide it to avoid confusion.

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Low-Intensity Training.

In the article on the general low-intensity training is clearly explained that the low-intensity training is the athletic preparation that does not induce physiological changes sensitive, but is performed with the aim, more or less conscious to the subject, to obtain a gratification from performing a program.

For a real, workout MUST induce changes in the body: either visible (weight loss, muscle building, etc..) Or measurable (such as clinical parameters such as raising the good cholesterol, decrease triglyceride and blood-glucose, etc….). If you are missing these variations, the subject is not doing sport (the joke of half an hour a day of walking is belied by the fact that the body does not change one iota).

In the gym what it means to do low-intensity training? 

  • Wander from one machine to another without their (few) efforts to produce the slightest benefit. No weight loss, no increase muscle, aerobic no improvement, no change of clinical parameters of the subject.
  • Practicing sun as those activities that do not involve a decent level of willpower to be neurotic. In simpler terms, an activity that bans the effort.

We note the last point: practice discipline para sportive is not wrong, it becomes the sun if they are practiced in transforming sport in all respects. Who goes to the gym and performs only activities for the elasticity, relaxation, looseness, etc…. can only pretend to play sports, remaining in the antechamber of it. In my opinion, over 50% of those who attend gyms do low-intensity training.

Gym Training

The gym training (the term is mine …) is the general care about your body by using the gym as a place and a half of training. Who does gym exercises :

  • Uses weights for muscle strengthening.
  • Do aerobic exercise for weight control and cardiovascular protection in every session at the gym. In this way, you get the right balance between strength and endurance.
  • Does not use daily and solid supplements.

It should be noted that those who do gym exercises:

  • Is not oriented to a specific aspect of their physiology (muscle, aerobic activity), but rather a global discourse.
  • Has no intention competitive or otherwise helpful.

The gymnasium user can be estimated as 20% of gym-goers. How to know if their level is the health-conscious call acceptable? With the test of the dying.

Strength Building.

The term strength building, we mean all those who perform in the gym strength training usually aimed at another sport: swimming, athletics, football, cycling, rowing, etc…. In this condition must also be included power lifting and weightlifting. The strength builder can be assessed in 10% of the frequenters of the gyms. Percent of our gym-goers are 20 of them. They would divide (the test of the veins is clear) in 15% and 5% fat builder body builder. Let us now analyze the practice of body building.