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Children and Sport

Children and Sport

Sport is good for a child can be an excellent opportunity to begin health-conscious call their lives. Surely, the sport helps to have a harmonious development of the body, with an increase in muscle strength, optimal development of the osteoarticular and circulatory systems.

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Currently, the major sports plus infant is definitely the fight against obesity and overweight in children. If you think that a baby spends about a quarter of its calories only for his physical activity, you can understand how devastating it is for the metabolism suspend any physical activity in the first year of age.

Unfortunately, parents often are not able to manage the sporting activity of the children and the people that rely too are oriented to dealing with adults rather than children or adolescents: in both cases, the result can be devastating. The first thing to understand is that the term ” child ” is inaccurate, and that it would be appropriate to refer to age groups. Before analyzing them, we treat three errors very common, but also very serious.

No competitiveness – Many parents use to teach the sport to ” win in life. ” This approach must be considered insane. If your child listens to the message (and it is very easy to do it because they can still be subjected to critical scrutiny the input they receive from parents), will probably become a violent, apparent, a scoundrel and always ready to focus only on the result. His self-esteem will be based only on the results obtained and if not, that’s become a week, insecure and fragile.

From 0 to 4 years. – During this period, physical activity should be represented by active play in the company of their parents or peers. Some pediatricians are pushing activities such as swimming or dancing. First, it should be noted that swimming is not natural to man that is not animal aquatic learn to swim must be a traumatic and did not associated with the enjoyment and safety of the presence of the parents. The dance is unfortunately still considered the sport par excellence of the girls, a ” tradition ” that it often becomes the only way of non-sports parents who see the dance activity still positive. The ballet is too technical and very unattractive from a psychological perspective and approach to it should still be deferred for at least 5 years.

From 5 to 7 years. – This is the most important because choosing the sport. The mistake to avoid is precisely orient the child on one sport, by enrolling in the school of football, tennis course and so on. The most correct approach is to try to make him ” no commitment ” (ie without something official), other than sports, so for him to choose a favorite. The role of the parent is to a wise advisor :

A. ) Explain to the child the advantages of various sports, often the child is oriented for emulation of one or ones practiced by his father. This is not bad, but it is necessary that the parent appreciates any differences, both physical and psychological, between him and the child.

B. ) Do not let the child choose only pushed by friends. He realizes that if the parent is not physically suitable for a sport, you must make clear to the child that is unlikely to emulate his best friend. For example, explain that in basketball, height is a great facilitating condition, which in the volleyball is also the elasticity, etc…. Then, if the child chooses the sport, it will conscious of its limitations.

At this stage, it may be useful to the child to live the experience of the spectator of various sports, so that they will appreciate in a more detached the activity in question.

Over 7 years until the eventual competitive spirit. – You should orient on a limited number of sports, having ranged over various options. Typically ranging from one to three sports to the maximum. The fun always lords it until the child is ready (especially psychologically) possible agonism. Parents (and history) must bring the child to competitiveness if, and only if, the child is mature enough not to live like a drama failure.

Unfortunately, given that most adults are not prepared to failures in life (having self-esteem to result), the more damage the sport child is mature in this period, bringing the baby now a teenager to give up the sport just is quite self-sufficient to decide for themselves

You can instead specify a maximum age for starting the boy to a sport to get the most in adulthood, which still remain ” program a child to become a champion ” is a tremendous indicator of parental failure. As there is the pairing fun racing, the maximum age for the various sports is this :

  • Football: 9 years.
  • Basketball: 10 years.
  • Swimming: 6 years.
  • Athletic endurance: 8 years.
  • Not athletic endurance: 10 years.
  • Skiing: 6 years.
  • Tennis: 8 years.
  • Cycling: 12 years.
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