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Body building

Body Building

The body building is one of many ways to attend the gym. There are basically three ways to do body building :

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  • Hormonal building – is the case of those who want to give volume to your body while minimizing fat and for these two purposes resort to doping practices, are much more common than you think. This category is not covered on this page that is geared to those who want to do good to your body, not to those who destroy it with practices such as, for culpable ignorance, do not know the danger.
  • Fat building – is the case of those whose only concern is to become (look) great.
  • Natural body building – is the case of those who want to give volume, while maintaining the lowest possible percentage of fat mass. In words, all of them are natural, but in practice only a small percentage.

Fat Building

The majority of body builders who frequent gyms, especially if they are young, they tend to belong to this category. The most merciless criticism that can be done about them is that their alleged competence is based on what they have heard (in the gym or on an Internet site) or on what they have read the brochure supplements, very few have read (in full!) An book of sports physiology. The fat builder can be defined as a person who wants to give volume to her body.

Volumization (in other words: to become bigger) occurs with :

1. ) Increase in muscle volume.

2. ) Increase in the water content of the muscles.

3. ) Uniform distribution of the fat in the entire body.

The last point is the more surprising because it certainly is not wanted by the visitors of the gyms, but it is also the most inevitable for anyone who is not a true sportsman. At the festival of fitness Rimini, I have repeatedly noticed that there are around many ex-physicists, former body builder, which exceeded 30, they put on a lot of pounds, but they continue to boast of their enormous physical, resulting indeed pathetic (a bit as those who, in the world of running, crawling ends a marathon wearing his ten or more pounds overweight).

Those who do not care about body building and power, but only to appear larger, inevitably become a fat builder.

The test of the veins exposes them mercilessly. What are the characteristics of the aspirant fat builder?

  • It is of younger age (the slowing of metabolism has not yet been felt …).
  • He is interested in rather than appear to be strong. The classic example is the use of supplements bulking. Creatine is the most striking example. Match the body building, creatine has been extended to other sports and that there was a scientific reason for use. Even in tests of strength pitchers and weight lifters do not use creatine to increase their performance, so why in the gym do you use? Why circulates some research qualitatively correct, but quantitatively insignificant (it is true that creatine can improve explosive strength, but it is also true that a massive intake did not improve enough to offset the negative aspects of the assumption) that mask with the myth of force the true effect of creatine that is especially volumizing (big muscles and swollen).
  • Often use what mother nature gave him to commit to a minimum, generally do not know the concept of fatigue.
  • For the preceding, paragraph is a prone widespread use of supplements. Best pill that sweat. The builder lives in symbiosis with fat supplementation, stunned by advertising that offers legitimate products do not affect the performance, but that move stellar economic interests. According to the companies that produce supplements, the athlete should become a human laboratory because tens are substances, which should integrate: they all do well and bring the athlete athletic nirvana. In reality, unfortunately, only the doping fail to get miraculous results. It is true that in other sports circulate banned substances, but with one major difference: it is trivial to connect to the Internet sites also discussing bodybuilding forum in which confessing athletes who have tried or would like to try a prohibited substance, and in other sports, athletes have at least have the decency to keep quiet and deny. Ethically, this may not be important, but practically it is a demonstration of how there is a danger that in the world of fitness doping can become ” normal “.
  • Has a cure marginal supply. Especially do not know the science, but merely believe what he heard from others in gyms is a widespread alternative science that only works for those who are young. Using this pseudoscience the fat builder can justify his over-eating. Sometimes even resort to fat-burning pills exactly as you would any sedentary obese, this symptom that playing a sport you do not need much to keep slim.

Natural Body Building

Now we come to the natural body building. Many will wonder what difference, there is between the natural bodybuilding and fat building. Because an activity can be defined as a sport must be expressed through performance, chess is a sport for many as well as golf or diving. Honestly, as a chess master, I can safely say that chess is a great game, but I find it difficult to define a sport, even though the sport have in common a competitive spirit.

What is missing? In my opinion, it lacks the health aspect: for being such a sport (Sport defines it with a capital S) is to improve the health of those who practice it. Running, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, etc.. are sports, others are less so, halfway between the game and the sport. For example, in a football team, a goalie does not play the same sport certainly a midfielder. The same applies to a pivot statics than a play on a basketball team.

Sport that should be linked with the maximum use of the resources of the human body physiologically significant and their optimization. Who makes sport must somehow improve their health. And it is this definition that you can distinguish between fat and body builder :

The body builder has as its purpose the volumization of his body with the lowest percentage of fat mass.

Unfortunately, the reduction in the percentage of fat mass (when it is real) is a very small thing and among other things, it could be easily achieved with other sports activities or simply with a low-calorie diet. It is clear that the constraint of a lower percentage of body fat can make the distinction between athletes and non-among athletes and ” cabinets ” to Bud Spencer (I do not want the nice Bud), health-conscious cally irrelevant. But not enough. We start from the position of a natural body builder.

The natural bodybuilding is a science that has as its goal the transformation of one’s body composition through two instruments :

  • The intense anaerobic exercise with weights and machines, able to recruit the maximum number of muscle fibers, researching the effects of muscle hypertrophy.
  • Taking care of the power supply in detail and to maximize muscle growth through stage’s calorie and reduce body fat through calorie stages, all taking advantage of the properties of food and proper mineral and vitamin supplementation. Diet and exercise are also sought hormonal effects that contribute to the result (increase muscle mass and decrease fat mass).

We see an answer to this location.

1. ) Define something that science has not discovered anything is a bit too optimistic. Many beliefs of body building are not confirmed in the physiology of sport. It is clear that believe ” science ” body building is a form of partisanship that deforms any conclusion. Falling in love too lose lucidity of judgment and impartiality.

2. ) Many do not know that anaerobic exercise of body building is to lactacid, very different from the lactic acid that positively transforms the body and the psyche with the adaptation to stressful situations when the body reacts by changing physiological parameters in a positive way.

3. ) The muscle hypertrophy is not related to any research to better health or a longer life expectancy. If one wants to become bigger, okay, but cannot claim it as a fact salutariness. Muscle growth, when a limit is exceeded ” normal ” (as in the one who poses the basis of their physical activity), is at odds with health. It only takes one medical examination and analysis of blood tests for a body builder to find that they had no salutariness benefit from the practice of his sport :

  • No increase in good cholesterol.
  • No decrease in blood pressure (indeed, there is often an increase).
  • A hypertrophic heart of concentric type, ie, increases the thickness of the walls rather than the volume of the heart.
  • No increase in the size of red blood cells.
  • No significant decrease in heart rate.
  • No decrease in blood glucose and so on.

How many body builders would exceed the People Fit Test or even the simplest of Young People Test?

4. ) After the growth phase (say around 20-22 years), the additional muscle growth is accompanied by an increase of body fat. Any increase in muscle maturity is accompanied by the increase in body fat, as shown in the throwers weight lifters, etc…. Real athletes who have muscles. Because the most successful body builder does not try to engage in these disciplines? Maybe they would discover that their muscles are fake muscles, filled with too much water and too much fat.

5. ) All searches are unanimous in showing that diet and exercise minimally affect hormones. If this were not so many hormonal conditions would be cured by diet and / or sport, what it is not. Our body has mechanisms to control hormones such that they cannot easily manipulate only for non-physiological as to give volume.