Home Cycling How to train in mountain bike

How to train in mountain bike

mountain bikes

In the seventies, in California, spread a strange fashion: hiking in the outdoors using the bicycle. With the necessary modifications, particularly with the addition of the change, the bikes were equipped that to go mountain paths, often very steep, the bumpy, between stones and mud.

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The one with the most had seemed like a freak, he became an official sport. Many people came to the mountain bike (MTB), because it combines physical activity and exploration of nature.

The cyclist must know your means and know to master the best in every situation. He must be able to quickly change the strategy of relations, supporting the sudden changing terrain. Changes in relationships are learned fairly easily with practice. The position of the athlete is very important and is in relation to the state of the ground. Before starting to train, you have to wear the right clothes, so that the rider will find the best conditions. Wearing:

  • Pants cyclist, adherent but comfortable and padded with pad.
  • Comfortable sneakers and socks.
  • Gloves for better grip the handlebars; approved helmet.

After reading about how to prepare, we can get on our mountain bikes. We begin by making a few turns on whether the plain to warm the muscles, 10 or 15 minutes are enough to stimulate all muscles. Then you’ll be ready to make some small climb, make two or three repetitions. Now to develop a bit of endurance and strength you can ride hard at intervals, ie perform stretches where you from the best of ourselves (more effort) and then recover slowly forces lost after the effort, in this world you are cycling with an intense pace.

When you are at the end of your workout is recommended to determine the cool-down, that activity aimed at eliminating the fatigue from the muscles, more precisely at the end of your workout you will return to a state of fatigue to one of quiet. So You will follow the final part with reports lightweight, giving the opportunity to your muscles to melt. Finally, after completing the training, you will need to do some stretching, I recommend 10 minutes.

Never forget : Only along paths where cycling is allowed to circulate. Reduce speed in the most difficult and ride carefully. Take with you; you need to solve mechanic’s problems. Program the outputs without venturing into unknown paths.

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