Home Weight training Lunges Exercises

Lunges Exercises

lunge exercise

Lunges exercises are very demanding in terms of energy expenditure and are particularly suitable for the training of the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Lunges, squats together, are one of the most effective exercises to increase the strength of the lower limbs.

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The exercise calls in a particular way and the tendons of the knee, so it is vital to run it in full working order and proceed with muscle loads very gradual. When in doubt, do not be prepared for an exercise so challenging, you can begin to practice it loose cargo or using it, as the only force to oppose, only the weight of your body. Later, you will be able to practice with dumbbells or, in the gym and under the supervision of an instructor, even with the equalizer, with the latter applying loads too high.

The proper way to perform lunges.

Despite being a well-known exercise, it is amazing how often is carried out incorrectly, thus becoming a source of potential injury to the knee load. If the exercise is carried out with weights, you should hold the dumbbell with both hands. Standing, it brings forward the right leg, then bend the left knee so that the arrivals almost touching the ground.

Care must be taken in a very important detail: the left leg back that folds first, not the other, the latter will come to bow only accordingly. It then returns to the starting position by pushing on the heel of the right leg (the front). The exercise is then repeated by reversing the legs. To avoid overloading the knee is essential that one leg forward does not go over your toe. The proper breathing involves the inhalation phase of decline and exhaling when you return to the starting position.

The variants – There are two variants of execution classical forward and in line on the same plane :

  • The side lunge : instead of bringing the leg forward, you run the shift laterally.
  • The lunge Bulgarian : it keeps the foot of the back leg on a stool or low chair. The classic lunge exercise is similar, but the fact that the back foot is not resting on the ground, but remains a few feet above the ground increases the load on the quadriceps, be doing the exercise more challenging. To perform this exercise, you also need good balance of skills that not everyone has. We recommend starting with the year and then introduce the classic Bulgarian variant, possibly by initially reducing weight, very gradually.