Home Gym and Indoors The 7 kinds of strength in fitness

The 7 kinds of strength in fitness


Fitness, as if for sport, brings out the best of ourselves and allows us to develop our strength in multiple ways. Below we will analyze the seven types of force that we may do it during a complete fitness training and what it means to exercise each of these forces.

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But before you go ahead, make a pit stop to discover the concept of strength that will allow us to go further in the argument down. A dictionary of any language it can provide up to 15 definitions of the word ” force. ”

The first definition that happens to us is: force, strength and ability to move something or someone that has a weight or resistance exercises; like when you lift a rock, it throws a rod, etc. Although the definition that really makes our case is this: the state of force. A status that we want to achieve through their fitness that will shape our bodies and make us resilient and resistant.

With a proper exercise of the board, we will train our strength, which is nothing more than the ability of muscle to generate tension, regardless of the degree of shortening. Decide on the kind of force that we want to strengthen will help us both to buy machinery and equipment for fitness is to buy accessories for fitness.

We must always and in any case respect the limits imposed by our relative strength: ie the ability to generate maximum muscular tension taking into account certain parameters such as age, sex and body weight. AND logic that is imposed to the concept of absolute force, which instead is the ability to generate maximum muscular tension in a movement regardless of any other binding parameter.

If we try to improve our levels of resistance, we must direct our training towards the resistance force, which is nothing but the ability to maintain muscular effort, with an average intensity or submaximal (40% – 85% of maximum strength) , for the longest possible time.

On the contrary, the exercises for fast strength (or rapid) develop our ability to move a weight in the shortest possible time. And closely it correlated with the concept of explosive force, which is based on a single repetition period trying to move the greater weight as possible. In this type of exercises, we see the maximum level of voltage that can generate a muscle during a single effort.

Finally, let’s take a look at two very specific concepts that, although ear to look very similar, they actually have nothing to do with one another. The maximum isotonic (or dynamic force) is the ability to generate maximum muscular tension during a dynamic operation while the maximum isometric force (or static) aims to generate maximum muscle tension without the latter contributions no change in the degree of shortening of muscle fibers.